Garage Door
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Which Cost More?

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Which Cost More?

Which cost more? Which of these similar style homes invested more in their garage doors. The answer may surprise you.

Which Door Costs More?

These doors probably cost around the same amount of money depending on the insulation options chosen. Both homes are very nice, however the garage doors on the home in the bottom picture better accent the home's design.

The arched windows, a very low cost option, are perfectly suited for what's called the colonial cut. Hinges and straps can be another low cost option to dress up the door's pizzazz. Which was done well in this example.

Finding the right door for your home does not mean necessarily mean spending more money.

Find the right garage door for your home.

New Senior & Military Discount
Precision Door Service, Garage Door Repair, Baton Rouge, LA
Licensed Contractor
Best Of Home Advisor
EPA Lead
East Baton Rouge Parish

(225) 380-3164

(225) 380-3164
West Baton Rouge Parish

(225) 238-8620

(225) 238-8620
Ascension Parish

(225) 257-3550

(225) 257-3550
Livingston Parish

(225) 308-9400

(225) 308-9400
St. Helena/ Tangipahoa Parish

(985) 401-2626

(985) 401-2626
Iberville Parish

(225) 380-3164

(225) 380-3164
Pointe Coupee Parish

(225) 238-8620

(225) 238-8620
East & West Feliciana Parish

(225) 257-3550

(225) 257-3550
Precision Garage Door Service
Office: (225) 412-8300
12139 Airline Hwy
Baton Rouge, LA 70817


LA Contractor License